Seasons of Giving

When it comes to holidays of giving, children in foster care are often left out of celebrations. Whether it be holiday gifts or spring baskets, we believe all children deserve the opportunity to take part and find joy in these holidays.

Seasonal Gifts

In addition to our ongoing programming, we collect gifts and gift cards for winter holiday presents and spring baskets for children living in foster care and residential treatment in Northeast Ohio. We partner with children’s services and our agency partners to deliver these special holiday gifts.

What makes our holiday gift giving program special? The youth we serve get to choose the three gifts they really want. We do not pick what they will receive, just like so many children who make a list at the holidays.

How to Help

Your donation of a gift or gift card makes a big difference in the life of a foster child. When we have seasonal giving opportunities we will post them here. Check back, or join our mailing list, to be notified.

Our Programs