Saddling Up and Exploring Paths to WellBeing

Many paths can lead us toward a sense of wellbeing. Summer camp at Fieldstone Farm is one of those pathways. Since 2021, Fostering Hope has partnered with Fieldstone Farms to provide a therapeutic riding day camp experience for children who are currently, or have navigated the foster care system. 

Polyvagal theory suggests that meaningful connections stimulate the rest and digest response, help downregulate the central nervous system and ground and center us. From this more connected space, people with trauma build their capacity for self awareness and confidence. 

Throughout the week, campers experience the joy of connecting to something larger (literally and figuratively) than themselves. Therapeutic riding instructors provide a safe space to explore the equine world. Rules are clear and support safety for the participants and the horses. At the same time, confidence is built by trusting youth to explore the horse world on their own time and to their own comfort level. 

One camper said, “Riding made me feel really relaxed, and I don’t always feel that way.” Another laughed, “I love my horse and want to take it home. Do you think it will fit in the van?” Even the lunches provided by Fostering Hope staff received an honorable mention. “My favorite things of the week were the horses and the lunches!”

The ripple effect supports the entire family unit. In a recent email from a parent/guardian, “Teddy REALLY enjoyed the horse camp and the experience he gained. I felt the therapy helped him and boosted his confidence. He is excited to share this experience with his teachers. Thank you so much for this wonderful experience. Totally worth the drive. I would love to participate in any future experiences that will make a positive impact on Teddy like this one did.”

For Program Director Heidi Wuescher, it was rewarding to watch confidence and comfort levels grow. Many started the week nervous or anxious. By the end of the week, pride and confidence was a common experience. One teen commented, “I never thought I would be driving a carriage and riding a horse as tall as this! My horse made me feel special, and I learned I can do hard things.” Another submitted an application and is currently interviewing for an opportunity to be a teen volunteer. Camp is just one of the programming opportunities provided by Fostering Hope to support youth in foster care and residential treatment. 


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