In Their Own Words: A Summer Garden Story

Rain or shine, hot or cold, tired or energized, they planted seeds, and the gardens bloomed under their watchful eyes and busy hands. Young children, tweens, and teens planted microgreens, watermelons, lemon verbena, citronella, and some very hot peppers. Grudgingly, weeds were pulled, watering hoses were fought over, and some of the luckier plants were watered. Snapdragons surrounded the birdbath with their bright yellow blooms, lavender graced the entrance and soft lamb’s ear lined the flower beds. Rosemary, chocolate mint and sage were a few of the favorite herbs in the garden. Some vegetables were picked too early, but the gardeners learned patience. Ripe bell peppers brought smiles with crispy bites. In the heat of summer, lines faded between the resiliency of the garden and the resiliency of the gardeners. 

Fostering Hope offers therapeutic gardening to children in residential treatment and foster care at several partner agencies including Bellefaire JCB, Applewood Centers, and Cleveland Christian Home. Kalie Johnson, Fostering Hope’s program coordinator and lead garden instructor, offers a summer garden curriculum that encompasses so much more than the science of gardening. 

For youth, it's an opportunity to play with bubbles, identify insects, create wind chimes, and arrange flower bouquets to give to someone special. It's an education in “chaos gardening” and “seed tape” experiments. It is a place to find grounding with hands in the dirt and the scent of rosemary and mint in the air. The season culminates in a Market Day where produce and crafts are sold to staff and visitors. All proceeds benefit a nonprofit organization chosen by the gardeners. Recipients for 2024 garden proceeds include EDWINS Leadership and Restaurant Institute, a homeless shelter, and an animal rescue organization.

Kalie, garden intern Ellie, and the staff at our partner agencies witness the healing that happens in the garden, but the words of the participants are the biggest testimony to the impact of the Fostering Hope summer garden program: 

“Thank you Miss Kalie! You were such a great teacher for the short time you saw us! I hope that everything you taught us will stick for a long time! Since I’m going into the Horticulture program (at school), I’ll use the knowledge I gained from you. Hopefully we meet again, and I can show the new new things I learned. My mom also loved the veggies that are from the garden, so I hope she loves the flowers I’m going to give her”

“You have been so much fun being around you made me want to do more gardening.”

“I will miss you so much you are my favorite garden teacher I have ever had in my nine years of living. I wish I could live in the garden just to see you smile every single day of my life.”

“Dear Miss Kalie. Today is my last day (in Residential Treatment). I had a good time with you. The past 2 summers with you were so fun. I hope you have an amazing life!”

Fostering Hope would like to thank the staff at Bellefaire JCB, Applewood Centers and Cleveland Christian Home for coordinating classes with our staff. We would also like to thank the Garden Club volunteers for helping us with the huge spring clean up and the regular tasks of watering and weeding. We also want to recognize our volunteer groups who helped us create educational garden signage, package up craft projects and prep our garden rocks to keep small hands busy throughout the summer. We couldn’t have done it without you! 

If you are interested in learning more about our Therapeutic Gardening program, or assisting with garden programming, email Program Director Heidi Wuescher.


Saddling Up and Exploring Paths to WellBeing